Makes each meal a learning experience.

What happens when you add artificial intelligence to your favourite recipes? Cakes always come out perfectly baked and roasts are cooked to perfection – without poking around. Drawing on the collective experience of thousands of home cooks worldwide, our Series 8 accent line ovens with artificial intelligence learn to accurately predict when your dish is done. Giving you peace of mind that every bite will turn out perfectly, and more time to focus on other tasks.

Discover the Series 8 accent line oven features that are powered by AI and supported by Home Connect.

When should friends stop by for cake?

Chocolate cake batter in a kugelhopf pan about to bake in a Bosch oven.

PerfectBake plus knows.

Video explaining how PerfectBake plus works.

Further proof that baking truly is a science.

Thanks to artificial intelligence, PerfectBake plus tells you exactly how many minutes until your cake, pie, bread or brioche is baked to perfection. No need to poke around in the oven, wondering if it's done or not.

Watch the video to find out how AI-empowered PerfectBake plus and the PerfectBake sensor ensure baked goods come out perfectly, and predictably.

What time will dinner be ready?

A whole roast chicken with a meat thermometer cooking in a Bosch oven.

PerfectRoast plus knows.

Video explaining how PerfectRoast plus works.

The secret to a perfectly-cooked roast isn't in a cookbook. 

Determining exactly when to remove a roast or whole fish from the oven can be a guessing game. Powered by artificial intelligence, PerfectRoast plus tells you when your main dish will reach the ideal internal temperature.

How does it work? See in the video how PerfectRoast plus uses AI and the sensor-based meat thermometer to help you cook to perfection.

How it works: AI-empowered baking and cooking.

Like all systems with artificial intelligence, Bosch Series 8 accent line ovens learn through experience, a method called machine learning. Drawing on anonymized data from many of our AI ovens worldwide, they learn to more and more accurately predict when a dish is done.

While you won't notice the calculations and tweaking going on in the background, you will notice that a certain recipe turns out a little more perfect each time you make it.

Smarter with Home Connect.

Our Series 8 accent line ovens are also smart, which makes life a little easier. Pair yours with the Home Connect app to unlock a world of new possibilities.

A tablet open to the Home Connect app. Cake baking in the oven in the background.

Recipes and cooking tips.

What to cook next? The Home Connect app provides a host of delicious and inspiring recipes specially tailored to your smart oven. Select a recipe in the app and send the required settings directly to your appliance – it'll take over from there.

Person using their smartphone to control their Bosch oven.

Access your oven from anywhere.

Out and about and need to preheat for pizza? Uncertain if you switched off the oven? Discover the Home Connect app. Also follow how a dish is coming along thanks to info from the PerfectBake sensor and PerfectRoast meat thermometer. And be notified when a dish is done.

Person asking Amazon Alexa to tell their oven assistant to bake an apple pie.

Effortlessly find the right settings.

The Oven Assistant helps you quickly and easily determine the right oven settings for everything from apple pie to braised beef. Just enter your dish in the Home Connect app – or ask Amazon Alexa for support. Then let the oven take over.

FAQs about our ovens with AI.

In which countries are Bosch ovens with artificial intelligence available?

You can currently purchase Bosch Series 8 accent line ovens with artificial intelligence in:

We plan to bring them to other countries, so thanks for your patience if your country isn't on our list yet. In the meantime, we invite you to explore our range of other high-quality, smart home appliances that makes life easier and more enjoyable.

Where are Bosch ovens with AI made?

Our Series 8 accent line ovens are made in Germany.

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