Cup & Wine Glass Basket DA043060, GZ010040, SMZ2004, SMZ201400670481 • SMZ2014Replacement for
00670482, 00667932, 00574619, 00442531, 00284814
00670481 • SMZ2014
Replacement for
00670482, 00667932, 00574619, 00442531, 00284814
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Cup & Wine Glass Basket DA043060, GZ010040, SMZ2004, SMZ201400670481 • SMZ2014Replacement for
00670482, 00667932, 00574619, 00442531, 00284814
00670481 • SMZ2014
Replacement for
00670482, 00667932, 00574619, 00442531, 00284814
Currently unavailable
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Special Features
Please check for compatibility with your dishwasher before purchasing
Special basket holds cups and long-stemmed glasses for a thorough cleaning
Fold back tines in lower rack so this basket can be inserted into the lower rack
Capacity is 12 long-stemmed glasses or 24 cups
19.25" x 13.5" x 10.25"
Please check for compatibility with your dishwasher before purchasing
Special basket holds cups and long-stemmed glasses for a thorough cleaning
Fold back tines in lower rack so this basket can be inserted into the lower rack
Capacity is 12 long-stemmed glasses or 24 cups
19.25" x 13.5" x 10.25"
This item has a model numbers of DA043060, GZ010040, SMZ2004, and SMZ2014
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Cup & Wine Glass Basket DA043060, GZ010040, SMZ2004, SMZ201400670481 • SMZ2014Replacement for
00670482, 00667932, 00574619, 00442531, 00284814
00670481 • SMZ2014
Replacement for
00670482, 00667932, 00574619, 00442531, 00284814
Currently unavailable
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