Legal Notice of the Bosch Group (Bosch)
All rights reserved. Text, images, graphics, sound, animation, videos and their arrangement on our websites are protected by copyright and other laws. The content of these websites may not be copied, published, changed or made available to third parties for commercial use. Some of our websites also contain images that are protected by third-party copyright.
Trademark and license rights
Unless otherwise indicated, all trademarks on our websites are registered trademarks. This applies in particular to Bosch marks, nameplates, company logos and emblems.
Intellectual property contained in our websites, such as patents, brands and copyrights, is protected. This website grants no license for the use of our intellectual property of Bosch-Gruppe (Bosch) or third parties.
Limited liability for external links
Our website contains links to third-party websites ("external links"). We accept no liability for such external content, as this is not within our sphere of influence. The provider of the information that can be accessed via these external links is responsible for the content and accuracy of the information. At the time the links were created, we were not aware of any legal infringements. As soon as we become aware of an infringement, we will remove the link in question from our web pages.
This website was made with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, the correctness and accuracy of the information it contains cannot be guaranteed. No liability is assumed for damages arising directly or indirectly through the use of this website, except where such damage is due to intent or gross negligence by us.