Many people think that making your own almond milk at home is a huge and daunting task. However, we want to show you just how quick and easy it really is. Especially if you are somebody, who likes to read the back of labels to make sure that you are not getting too many preservatives, colorants, enhancers or additional flavours and stabilizers in your almond milk then this is the right recipe for you!

The first thing you will need to do is to soak your almonds in regular tab water over night. The next day you will see that the skin is starting to peel off and you can simply use a scrubbing brush to scrub your almonds clean and remove the remaining skin.

Next, take your filtered water and add it to a blender together with your soaked and skinless almonds and some vanilla extract. Alternatively, you can also use vanilla essence. Optionally, you can also add a pinch of Himalayan salt to your blender or if you prefer sweeter almond milk, you can add a natural sweetener such as honey, maple syrup or agave syrup. Blend your mixture until everything is smooth and combined well.

how to make homemade almond milk

Homemade Almond Milk Ingredients

Here is all you need to make deliciousalmond milk at home:

  • 1 cup almonds
  • 4 cups filtered water (plus more for soaking)
  • Tiny pinch sea salt (plus ½ t for soaking)
  • For vanilla milk: add ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • For sweeter milk: 2 dates OR a drizzle of agave syrup OR a few drops of stevia etc.
almond milk blending


Prepare your homemade almond milk in a few simple steps:

  • Soak almonds for at least 12 hours in pure filtered water plus ½t sea salt. The longer the almonds soak, the creamier the finished milk will be.
  • Drain and discard the soaking water and rinse the almonds well.
  • Blend the almonds with pure water and a pinch of salt in blenderfor 2-3 minutes or until creamy.
  • Strain mixture into a large bowl through a nut milk sieve, cheese cloth or thin kitchen towel.
almong milk nut sieve

When to Use Almond Milk

Almond milk is a great vegan, dairy free and flavoursome alternative to regular milk and can be used for instance for your tea and coffee, smoothies, homemade granola, oats or baking. If you are looking for a lactose free or plant based alternative to regular milk, this homemade almond milk is a great natural and fresh alternative without any additives.

Use the Right Tools

To make this process as easy as possible, make sure to soak your almond overnight and use a high quality power blender such as the Bosch 700W SilentMixx with a convenient and dishwasher proof glass jug for your almond milk. Thanks to the large 2.5-litre glass jug of the Bosch blender, you can even double this recipe to make larger quantities.

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