Bosch Compact Laundry

The sun is shining and the flowers are blooming, which can only mean one thing – spring has arrived! While your spring cleaning to-do list most likely includes cleaning out the garage, donating items, and freshening up the house, one area that is also worthy of your attention is laundry day. As you pack your parka away and dig out your favorite spring dresses, here are a few cleaning tips for a delightful laundry season:

Laundry Tip #1: Let's Get Active

With spring comes an endless amount of outdoor activities. As you find yourself outside more often, your activewear is being used constantly and may be in need of a refresh. Today’s activewear helps you to move better, keep dry, and stay warm or cool. However, in order for your gear to perform well day after day, proper care must be taken, wash after wash. A useful tip for how to wash your gym clothes includes washing them as soon as possible after use; this helps ensure your sportswear will continue to go the distance.

Laundry Tip #2: Help Keep Springtime Allergies at Bay

The springtime sniffles can often point to pesky seasonal allergies, but you can gain a little relief by freeing your laundry from any allergens.

While washing clothes in cold water is helpful, even better is first storing your items in the freezer overnight. The next morning, your ultra-cold clothes will be the perfect temperature to remove any residual allergens – ensuring that washing clothes in cold water will do just the trick. Bonus tip: a microfiber laundry sack will see to it that your fabrics are left extra fresh, as the simple sack aids in ionization.

Bosch Compact Washer

Laundry Tip #3: Keep Whites Sparkling White

White: it’s classic, versatile, goes with anything and is essential for any spring wardrobe. The downside: white can fade or turn yellow over time, and stains are incredibly noticeable. How do you keep this seasonal favorite looking pristine through Labor Day?

The first step might seem obvious, but it’s really important to wash your whites separately from darks. Tempting and time-saving as it might be, throwing all your clothes into the washing machine together will dull your whites over time.

When it comes to washing whites, use a detergent that contains an optical brightener and your whites will look as dazzling as the day you bought them. Optical brighteners bend UV light waves to maximize blue light and minimize the yellow light your eyes take in.

Laundry Tip #4: Be Delicate

Clothing should be treated like an investment: take care of it and it will stand the test of time. Always check the label to see if handwashing, dry cleaning or any other special treatments are required to give the garment the best possible care.

While handwashing can be time-consuming, the Bosch Laundry Pairs, with Home Connect™ have the EasyStart feature in the app, which guides you through options for taking care of your more delicate items. When starting a load of laundry, simply open the EasyStart feature in the app, select the type of clothes you are washing, and the Bosch Home Connect™ washer will recommend the perfect program for the load, helping to make laundry day easier.

Utilizing these laundry tips will ensure your spring clothing is fresh, clean and bright every time.

Visit Tips and Tricks for more suggestions on how best to do your laundry and other activities around the home.