Are your clothes soaking wet after a spin cycle? There are specific problems that can occur in your washing machine that will result in your clothing being soaking wet after a spin cycle was supposed to dry them out. You may have an appliance that still spins and works as expected, yet your clothing is still wet, or your washing machine has stopped spinning altogether. To diagnose and resolve this issue, please continue reading.
Drainage Hose May be Blocked or Kinked
The most likely cause for a washer to return soaking wet clothes is a drain hose problem. Here is how you should resolve and clean:
Clean the filters in the water supply hose. Attention: The leaking water may be very hot with a risk of scalding. Set program to OFF. Pull out the main plug. Check whether the drainage hose has been installed without kinks. Loosen the hose clip on the siphon and carefully remove drainage hose and any residual water. Clean drainage hose and siphon spigot. Hold drainage hose in a bucket and select the DRAIN program. Connect drainage hose to the siphon and check for leaks.
Pump May be Blocked or Need to be Cleaned
If your filter or pump is partially or fully blocked, it can impact your appliance’s ability to drain water from the drum, therefore causing your clean clothes to be soaking wet. Here is how to clean the pump and resolve the issue:
Attention: The leaking water may be very hot with a risk of scalding. Set program to OFF. Pull out the main plug. Open and remove service flap. Drain any water through the drainage hose by slowly removing the pump cover. Clean the interior, pump cover thread and pump housing. The impeller wheel of the pump must be able to turn. Re-insert the pump cover and screw on firmly. To check for leaks, pour 1 quart (1 liter) of water into the detergent dispenser. Check for leaks and then start the DRAIN program.
The Laundry Load May be Imbalanced
Another common cause is having a washing load that is unbalanced. For example, if there are a lot of clothes on one side of the drum, this can cause problems for the washing machine, and won’t let it drain the excess water, leaving your clothes soaking wet. If the imbalance is too large, the spin cycle will not run or reduce its speed to protect your appliance. In addition, the appliance attempts to improve distribution of the laundry by several spin attempts. This extends the program running time. To help avoid this, please wash large and small items together to reduce the imbalance. Make sure to close zippers and buttons on pillows and duvet covers.
If these troubleshooting tips don't help, contact us for further assistance or find a servicer using the links below.